
Upcoming Events

We issue a weekly email to members and friends of the AIA, informing them of upcoming Indonesian related events in NSW and elsewhere.
This is based on information received from various organisations, including Australia Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA), the Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC), the Australia Indonesia Associations in Victoria, ACT, South Australia, the Indonesia Diaspora Network (IDN), the Australia Indonesia Centre (AIC), Indonesian and Australian embassies and consulates, and other community organisations.
The emails are distributed to over 1000 people, including several in Indonesia and elsewhere.

Previous Newsletters

Please use the button below to browse all our previous newsletters.



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AIA Blog

The Australia Indonesia Awards honour Australians and Indonesians who have made significant contributions to the greater understanding and friendship between Indonesians and Australians.

Nominate someone you know who may be an unsung hero, hardworking and committed to Australia-Indonesia relations. Nominations close on 31 July 2023. Award Presentations will be held at a gala dinner in Sydney on 28 October 2023.


AIA Award 2023 – FINAL (4)





“The country town of Cowra lies about 300 km inland from Sydney. Every March, the town holds an International Festival. This year Indonesia was the country of focus. The townspeople, especially the children, were very involved. Schools prepared Indonesia-themed displays for the shop windows of the main street. Many children dressed in “merah putih”.

The Australia Indonesia Association brought their two becak from Sydney. These won a prize for the best-themed entry in the parade. A number of the AIA committee members made the journey from Sydney. Representatives from the Indonesian Diaspora NSW and Victoria attended. Also, Ambassador Pak Siswo and his wife lead a large Indonesian contingent from Canberra. The Konjen Pak Vedi came from Sydney with staff. The Suara Dance Group provided many performances of traditional Indonesian dances.

A formal dinner with entertainment was held on Friday evening, with the parade and more entertainment on Saturday. All agreed that the event was a great success in promoting interest in Indonesia. Congratulations to the staff of the Indonesian Embassy for all their efforts to make this event a success.”



AIA Autumn Dinner

The times have surely changed but not our friendship. We would be absolutely thrilled to have you on AIA event to get-together dinner party.




Jakarta AIA networking event, April 2, 2023

Isla, an AIA Commitee member, Jakarta based,  hosted our first AIA members networking event here in Jakarta, with AIA member (Sydney-based) Assoc Prof David Reeve as a guest of honour. He is visiting Asia to promote his book on OngHokHam – a famous Indonesian historian.




On 21 November 2022, at 13:21 West Java time, an Mww 5.6 earthquake struck near Cianjur in West Java, Indonesia. A total of 603 people were killed (as of the end of December 2022), 7,729 were injured, and approximately nine remain missing.

The Cianjur earthquake was declared a regional disaster. The Emergency Response Status for the Impact of the Cianjur Earthquake was 30 days, from November 21 to December 20, 2022, with the possibility of extension according to the situation and conditions in the field. Below is a summary of the aftermath of this earthquake:

  • 15 aftershocks and two earthquakes were recorded on 27 November, leading to landslides across the region
  • The number of displaced people is 73,874, including 33.713 men, 40.161 women, 92 people with disabilities, 1.207 pregnant women and 4.240 older people
  • 62,628 houses were damaged, of which 27,434 houses were severely damaged, 1,370 houses were moderately damaged, and 22,124 houses were slightly damaged.
  • Infrastructure: 398 schools, 160 places of worship, 14 health facilities and 16 office buildings have been damaged.

AIA’s response and follow-up:

Through its Jakarta-based representative, Isla Winarto, the AIA collected and donated a total of $500 from its own funds, with two members (Pat Hanna; Isla Winarto) donating separately $100 each. The total donated under the name of AIA was $700 (Rp.7,281,071 as of 8 December 2022, when funds were transferred to Yayasan Balarenik). See proof of transfer.

As was the case in 2021, during the peak of the covid pandemic, AIA collaborated once again with the local non-government, Jakarta-based organisation, Yayasan Balarenik, to channel the funds to the areas and communities most in need following the earthquake. Since then, Isla has been following up on a weekly basis regarding how Balarenik has been assisting the survivors of the quake and how the AIA funds were used.

For two weeks following the quake, Balarenik staff conducted a needs assessment in the field. As those residing in the area of Cianjur where the quake did the most damage received emergency aid within hours of the disaster, Balarenik focused on helping those communities on the outskirts, where damage and loss of life were also reported, but where little or no government aid was being received. Balarenik’s main focus was on a small village in the Cipendawa area, with 297 families, of which 523 are males, 472 are females, 95 babies, and 190 children.

With the AIA funds, the following aid was provided to the Cipendawa villagers:

  • Milk for the children
  • Basic hygiene needs (toothpaste, soap, shampoo)
  • Children’s school needs
  • Food staples (rice; oil; noodles)
  • Medicines (for rashes; headaches; fever)
  • Tarpaulin for emergency family tents


Total amount spent on AIA donation, as reported by Balarenik: Rp.7,164,000 of Rp. 7,281,071  donated. The remaining funds of Rp.117,071 (just over $10) were used to cover fuel costs to/from Cianjur.


See the photos below provided by Balarenik:








See the video:

AIA Visit

 NSW School of Languages on March 27, 2023


Letter of Appreciation from the Indonesian Ambassador to the AIA for our contribution to the Cowra Festival for International Understanding.


Australia Indonesia Awards 2022


The Australia Indonesia Awards Presentation, 9 April, was attended by a crowd of people including the Indonesian Ambassador and his wife. The following finalists were announced as the winners:
Innovation – Alexander Soeriyadi
Congratulation to the winners and to the finalists!!!

